My Peyronie's Story So Far
I'm a 53 year old man living in London, UK. I'm in good health and reasonably fit. I have been divorced for about 15 years and have had a number of relationships since then. I enjoy sex in the context of a loving relationship. Prior to getting Peyronie's my penis was very straight at about 6.5 inches long and I was pleased with how it looked and had no problems in the bedroom.
In January 2012 I had a bit too much to drink and went to bed with a woman who was just a friend. I didn't particularly fancy her but we had sex. Her vagina was very small and my erection not very hard. I remember having trouble getting into her. I thought nothing of this but the following day had a bad pain in my penis when I woke up. I still didn't take much notice but a week or so later I woke up with an erection and a bent penis – about 25 degrees upwards.
I panicked and felt my world was coming to an end. I saw my GP and she said not to worry and it would go away. I then spent a day trawling the internet for help which made me worry more especially as many of the websites were just out to sell something and gave conflicting information. I wrote to my GP saying I wanted a second opinion and she referred me to a sexual health clinic. The doctor there said there was little they could do at this stage but to come back in a year's time when surgery might then be an option.
I then decided to do everything I could to help resolve my condition. I'm not a wealthy man – money is tight so expensive options were out of the questions unless they offered guaranteed success and nothing short of surgery offered that. I straight away started to take 800ui of vitamin E a day with meals as vitamin E is fat soluble. I bought the high quality natural alpha D form as better than artificially made tablets. I also tried Neprinol tablets but when I ran out cost prohibited me buying more.
During this time I met another woman and she was very understanding about the Peyronie's. However much she encouraged me I felt inadequate sexually and often couldn't get hard enough for penetrative sex. I would be hard when I entered her but immediately my mind would start saying I was going to come out of her and my erection would soften. She would masturbate me which I really enjoyed but I also felt we were missing the intimacy of proper sex. I would get quite distressed in the bedroom and felt I was not good enough for her sexually.
My Peyronie's had by now got worse. The curvature was now about 45 degrees upwards and about 10 degrees to the right side. I couldn't feel any plaque but there was a narrowing of the shaft on the right top side. I would still get night and morning waking erections which were very hard but with very pronounced curvature. My penis also was shorter – now about 5.5 inches on a good day. I became obsessed about the length – thought back to how I was previously.
I've always masturbated a lot and have been careful since the Peyronie's to be less vigorous. Sometimes I masturbate 2 or 3 times a day which perhaps is not good for the Peyronie's.
My mental attitude to the Peyronie's developed into it being a dark secret where I felt I was a man outwardly and a reasonably attractive one but a fraud - that any woman I met would reject me and be disappointed in me once she found out my dark secret. I looked at other men thinking they were superior to me – a better catch.
In about October 2012 I bought a vacuum erection device and used it for about 15 minutes most days. I marked the limit of my erection on the tube with a permanent marker as this was a good accurate way of measuring my progress. I also bought a cheap gel filled hot water bottle – the type that goes in the microwave to warm up. I then put the bottle against my penis and kept it there for about 20 minutes each day. I also at bedtime do Kegel exercises to improve the pelvic floor muscles and general blood circulation in the pelvic area.
It's now February 2013. I'm single again but looking for a woman but with great fear about the sexual side of things. I would say my penis curvature has slightly improved – say about 40 degrees with a slight bend to one side still. I have no pain and haven't done since about 1 month after the injury that caused the Peyronie's.
I have been a bit lax with the VED and heat treatment and will resume that now. It may be too late to change the Peyronie's but worth a try.
I would say that with 40 degrees of curvature that intercourse is possible but only with a very hard erection and the penis is very prone to coming out of the vagina and difficult to get back in. I'm trying to visually like my penis again as I was almost frightened to look – just reminded me of where I'm at and sad for what I once was.
I am though coming to terms with the Peyronie's and in a few months' time will be seeing the urology consultant again. I would consider surgery but am concerned about the risks and possible reduction in length. I think improving my confidence sexually would help more as maintaining an erection is more important and curvature as long as intercourse is still possible.
I'm feeling less concerned about my Peyronie's now and know that there are many ways to enjoy great sex. I'm sure once I meet a loving woman again she will be kind and understanding as most women are with someone they love. In many ways it will be good to take things slowly and not be intimate too early into the relationship.
I also still believe my Peyronie's will improve and will continue using the VED, heat application and daily Kegel exercises - non of these will do harm and only take up a small part of my day.
Good luck to you all and keep positive!
Update 18th February 2014
Update of my Peyronie's story..., I have had Peyronie's for 2 years now and the condition has stabilised and if anything there is some slight improvement with a reduction in curvature.
For the first year the Peyronie's preoccupied my thoughts and I had a great fear about meeting a new woman and having a physical relationship.
Two years on I haven't met the special woman but my fears have subsided as I know that when I meet someone special she will understand and love the complete me - not just my penis.
Having Peyronie's will also make me less inclined to rush into a physical relationship - I will make sure that love is there first and that I'm sure will be a good thing.
Remember as men we probably over estimate the absolute need for sexual intercourse when there are actually many other options that you and the woman will equally enjoy. When we first meet a woman the fears rush through our head - but when the time comes to be physical and things are right there will be a tenderness and understanding that will help things along. The woman may also have fears about her own body that we can be understanding about and so in a way things balance out.
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