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Support My Peyronie's Awareness Campaign

This website is part of my Peyronie's awareness campaign. My Peyronie's is an independent website with limited resources. It still counts, even more than I could have imagined.

Man on a beach with dogs

I know that My Peyronie's campaign counts because of the great feedback I have received. Your letters have been valuable motivation for me in making this website.

They have also convinced me of the need of raising the Peyronie's awareness and for on-going support for men with Peyronie's disease.

I want to do more to raise the Peyronie's awareness and I need your help in doing so.

Why We Need To Raise The Peyronie's Awareness

Peyronie's affects the overall quality of life of those who get it. Peyronie's not only affects their ability to live satisfying sex life, it can also affect their mental health and relationships. Peyronie's can literally break up families.

This is why everyone needs to take Peyronie's disease seriously, i.e. patients, doctors, partners and the society as a whole.

By raising the Peyronie's awareness, on the long run we can hopefully achieve:

  • Men seeking help sooner (the sooner men start treatment, the better results they can expect)
  • Men will not feel as isolated (as they know they are not alone)
  • Men feeling more in control (as they know where to seek advice and support)
  • Men will receive better understanding and support (from their doctors, partners and society)

My Peyronie's Awareness Campaign

My Peyronie's is an independent website. It is not sponsored by any commercial company or organization. There are no advertisements on this website and I would prefer it to stay that way.

I have put in a lot of work into the content of this website and I want to continue doing so. I also want to be able to put more effort into actively promoting Peyronie's disease, to raise the awareness about the disease.

I will continue to do my bit in raising the Peyronie's awareness as best I can. My Peyronie's awareness campaign aim is to:

  • Continue to follow new developments in this area and make sure My Peyronie's stays relevant and up to date
  • Regularly add new articles about anything that may be of interest or benefit men with Peyronie's disease (and their partners)
  • Actively try to increase My Peyronie's social media presence. Peyronie's is not very "social disease" but I know from experience that men are increasingly finding information about the disease through social media
  • Make myself available to the media, both by providing input and articles about the disease and for interviews about my Peyronie's experience
  • Continue answering all the letters I receive as best I can, I take great pride in this part

This is a lot of work but I thoroughly enjoy it and hope to be able to continue this as long as I can. Your support will help me doing so.

How You Can Help Raise Peyronie's Awareness

My Peyronie's is only one man's voice and that's why I need your help. There are many ways for you to support my Peyronie's awareness campaign.

You can Share Your Peyronie's Story on my website, it could really help other men in similar position.

You can help by actively promoting My Peyronie's website (as well as other trustworthy websites in this area). You can also follow My Peyronie's campaign on G+, Facebook and Twitter and help by sharing my social media content.

Follow Me On:

Do you have media contacts (or even personal blog)? I'm available for interviews about my Peyronie's experience or to provide input or articles for media coverage about the disease.

You also help by buying your Peyronie's Products through My Peyronie's, as the affiliate income helps me sustain it without any sponsorship. You do not pay more for the products, the manufacturer simply pays me small commission for each sale, part of their marketing cost.

You can also support My Peyronie's awareness campaign with direct donations.

And you can continue to Contact Me. Your letters are the biggest motivation for me to continue My Peyronie's awareness campaign.

I thank you in advance for your support. It is highly appreciated.

Kind regards,


Hello, I'm Birgir

This website is based on my experience of Peyronie's disease

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